We understand if you're not completely satisfied with your item. No problem at all! Simply return the items to us for a full refund. Terms and conditions apply. Our return process is easy, hassle-free, and designed to ensure your satisfaction.
Please follow our step by step process (click here)
Some tips when loging a return !
Notify us of your return by sending an email to support@xd21.co.za before logging the return. Include your order number in the email. Use 'Return order #0000' as the subject line. After logging a return for an exchange or a refund send the items back to us to Shop 130, N1 City Mall, Goodwood, 7460, Cape Town
Review Return Policy: Become knowledgeable about our return policy before returning your items. This guarantees a seamless and compliant return process.
Note: XD21 is committed to providing excellent customer service. For any further assistance or clarification, don't hesitate to contact our customer support team at support@xd21.co.za We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in facilitating a hassle-free refund process.
Please do not pay the courier fee of R75 if you want to return for a refund ! Please send your return back to us . Thank you for your understanding